New video!
For some time now we had our new video ready for release, but due to Covid things were a bit delayed.The video wil be online this Wednesday! It was about time you heard fom us!

There’s also the news that our front-lady Evy will be focussing on her solo-career. As you can see in the photo she is litterally and figuratively spreading her wings. We wish Evy all the luck and success and we will support her all the way! Please follow Evy here –>
Of course there will be a proper goodbye through a concert later this year.
(Announcement will be made later on)
Rineke will be taking over the roll of leading lady, so in the mean time we are already rehearsing our butts off, writing new songs and we are also working on a LP!
June 8, 2019 – Jazz Festival, Zevenaar
Photos of our gig at the Varilux Jazz- en Bluesfestival in Zevenaar.
Photos by Jan Verschuren
©2019 River Zydeco Band – All rights reserved
May 25, 2019 – ZydecoZity Festival, Raamsdonksveer
Nice photos taken by Angelina Swart at our show at the 2019 ZydecoZity Festival.
Photos by Angelina Swart
©2019 Angelina Swart – All rights reserved